Optimize your company´s performance!
Our XL Productivity Appliance tool gives your instantaneous access to 50 lean manufacturing measurements, like OEE. The plug and play system, that displays your production data through a web interface, can be installed and configured in a few hours.
It combines a high impact display with next generation software that communicates with your existing systems. Access historical data and compare performance.
Count, not only, on our analysts´ support 24 hours a day, but also advice from our specialists and weekly confidential reports to inform, guide and support your decision making.
XL Appliance
The XL Productivity Appliance is a powerful tool that gives you instantaneous access to international standard lean manufacturing measurements like OEE. The plug and play system, that displays your production data through a web interface, can be installed in a few hours and configured in minutes.
Other features allow data collection through a fast bar code scanning method, and automatic production and quality data capture.
Our tool combines a high impact display with next generation software capable of monitoring your production data in real time, providing remote access and communicating with your existing systems. With it you can track 50 different KPIs and OEE in real time. Access historical data and compare performance by shift, day or after process changes.
Count, not only, on our analysts´ support 24 hours a day, but also advice from our specialists to inform, guide and support your decision making. Managers are informed to know how to act to meet shift or monthly production goals. Furthermore, we create SMS and e-mail alerts for specific production conditions and communicate with authorized team members to ensure correct and high value data capture.
Trinity monitors, compiles and produces weekly confidential reports, thus creating an extremely easy way to generate improvements in your manufacturing operations.
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a lean manufacturing tool that quantifies performance of a production unit according to total capacity during programmed operation periods. In any manufacturing operation there are 3 factors that impact your results: availability, performance and quality. Each factor points to an aspect of any production process that may be analyzed and improved upon. OEE may be applied to an individual machine, as well as scaled to whole departments and plants.
Time producing
Programmed time
During your active time, how long did the equipment operate at it´s nominal speed.
(Produced parts X Ideal cycle time)
Running Time
During your active time, how long did the equipment operate at it´s nominal speed.
Good parts produced
Total parts produced
From all produced parts, how many parts meet specifications.